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Student Raises $5K for Teacher Battling Leukemia

Originally published on The 812 on September 21st, 2023 and republished here with permission.

Central Elementary School in Lawrenceburg has rallied behind a fifth grade teacher who was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia this summer.

Maggie Cole hasn't been in the classroom this year as she currently is undergoing treatments.

The school launched a T-shirt fundraiser called "Maggie's Support Squad" where funds are given to Cole.

Fifth grader Brylee Haring found out Mrs. Cole was battling the illness just days before the first day of school.

"She started doing things for Mrs. Cole the minute she received the news that Mrs. Cole wouldn’t be starting the school year," Brylee's mother, Kate.

The fifth grader created a bracelet fundraiser with proceeds going toward a wig fund for Mrs. Cole.

On Thursday, Brylee and her classmates had their first live interaction this year with Mrs. Cole when the teacher Facetimed the class.

Principal Staci Knigga presented Maggie with the funds from the T-shirt fundraiser along with other gifts.

It was then Brylee's turn to present her bracelet fundraiser proceeds to the teacher.

Haring presented a check worth $5,258 which was raised from bracelet sales along with a matching donation from her father, Noah Haring.

"Mrs. Cole said that it was very nice and she loved that she could get a wig that would actually be real hair," Brylee said.

Maggie also said the generosity of Brylee, along with all the students and staff of Central Elementary, means the world to her.

"I'm just thinking about all of the bracelets that she made, like handmade, I just can't believe the amount of time that she put into that and it really just shows her character and how much she truly cares for people and how much her family truly cares," Cole said.

Maggie is undergoing treatments and hopes to return to the classroom next semester.

Her mother, Renee Caldwell, is a fourth grade teacher at the school, and she has taken time off this year as well to be there for her daughter. Caldwell plans to be back in the classroom in October.

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